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How to marry in Dubai as a Saudi expat


Dubai weddings are famous around the world for their grandeur and extravagant celebrations. The new laws have made it easier for expat couples who want to marry here. If a couple is of the same nationality and religion, getting married in Dubai isn’t a big deal. However, this is not always the case.

In this article, we will discuss the requirements for a stress-free civil marriage in Dubai.


Unlike Dubai, Abu Dhabi is more accepting of people of different nationalities marrying. Furthermore, under the new marriage regulations, non-Muslims can marry in a non-Muslim court. As a result, many GCC expat couples travel from other GCC nations to marry in Abu Dhabi.


  • Approval/consent of the bride (formal).
  • In Dubai, a minimum of one of the parties to the marriage contract (bride, groom, or bride’s guardian) needs to be a UAE residence visa.
  • In other emirates, both parties must have a UAE residence visa.
  • In all Emirates, a positive pre-marital medical screening certificate is mandatory for couples. The certificate must be issued from the authorized public healthcare facilities in the UAE.


If you and your partner share the same nationality and religion, you can always choose a hassle-free wedding at your desired embassies. However, if you are of different nationalities, this may not be possible.

In such cases, destinations such as Abu Dhabi or even Georgia and Seychelles are your best option. Unless we review your wedding situation, there is no hard and fast rule as to which destination would be ideal.

Keen to know more if you are eligible for a civil marriage in Dubai; feel free to speak to our team of legal wedding experts.

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