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How to marry in the Abu Dhabi Court: Keynotes for expats


Abu Dhabi is appreciated for being a pleasant territory for secular activities. Marriage is also one of the main factors that have drawn people to this location. Expats who want to visit the UAE for their marital unions usually consider Abu Dhabi first and they will be happy to learn how to marry in Abu Dhabi.

The UAE government has acknowledged the desire of many to marry within the nation and that is why it instituted civil marriage to ease marriage regulations for foreigners. Many are taking advantage of this and this article will address how Saudi expats can benefit.

Fundamental principles for the marriage

Abu Dhabi has a set of really simple laws that anyone can accomplish. The purpose of these requirements is to guarantee the safety and protection of the parties who want to marry. Here is a list of some marital expectations:

  • Consent of the bride and groom
  • Approval of the bride’s parents
  • A residence visa by at least one of the parties
  • Passports

When couples arrange all these stipulated documents, it will be quite easy for them to have their wedding in Abu Dhabi. All of the requirements are reasonable expectations so couples can better understand how to marry in Abu Dhabi.

Is a wedding in the Abu Dhabi court the best bet?

What a wedding in Abu Dhabi means for couples is dependent on their expectations. However, a primary feature of a wedding in this destination is its simplicity. If couples are ready to follow through with the requirements then they will have a legal wedding with no hitches.

Since the UAE practices the Muslim faith, couples can take advantage of the civil marriage procedures in Abu Dhabi. It is highly convenient and couples can obtain their certificates within two to three weeks of beginning the process.

If you wish to learn more about the marriage process in Abu Dhabi, feel free to book a consultation with our team of wedding experts. They will provide an ample guide to conclude the process.

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