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A consideration of easy countries to get married in for expats in Saudi


Due to work or relocation, foreigners who do not practice the Muslim religion might find themselves in Saudi. When they desire to get married at some point, they might find that there are no provisions for civil marriages. 

Despite this prevailing situation, the foreigners might be happy to note that there are countries who welcome foreigners and encourage them to get married within their territories.

Some of these easy countries to get married in:

  • The United States of America
  • London
  • Italy
  • Georgia
  • Turkey

Of the aforementioned, we will talk extensively about Georgia because of its affordability and time-saving nature.

Advantages of a wedding in Georgia for Saudi expats

Georgia is a country that is located between Europe and Asia. It is popularly known as a wedding destination because of its few legal requirements and low cost of registration. To get the wedding sealed, the couple only needs a marriage application form, the presence of two witnesses and a passport. A divorce certificate should also be tendered by any of the individuals who had formerly been married.

Georgia compares well to the other countries mentioned whose governmental regulations guiding marriage are stricter. Furthermore, the marriage certificate that is issued in Georgia is also globally recognized. 

Expats who are on a strict time schedule can hope to finish up their wedding proceedings in record time. There are no complicated procedures that might stall the marriage registration.

Final thoughts on Georgia as an easy country to get married in

When Saudi expats properly examine the available options, they will find that a marriage in Georgia will not consume a lot of funds. There are no religious restrictions that might hinder couples from getting married. Since expats will often move back to their home country, they will also be glad to know that a marriage certificate issued in Georgia will be recognized in their home nation.

Georgia holds out a lot of wonderful prospects for couples. The government has put in a lot of effort to see that all foreigners can get legally hitched within its territory.

To gain more information about the packages that are available to expats, consult with experienced members of our team on any of these approved means of communication.

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