Civil Vs Nikah wedding for Saudi Expats
Marriage is the cornerstone of family life. As a safe country with a range of family-friendly facilities, there are many popular destinations for civil or Nikah weddings. It’s quite easy to get married here if you know the rules of that country. Both nationals and expats are required to meet certain legal requirements for marriage validity. Read on to know more about what conditions Muslim expats choose civil marriage or Nikah?
Conditions Required for Nikah ceremony in Saudi Arabia
Muslim marriages anywhere in the Islamic countries are conducted according to Sharia provisions that apply to both expats and locals.
In Saudia, Islamic marriages take place when
- Both are Muslims.
- Both belong to Ahl al-Kitaab (People of the Book).
A Muslim marriage is conducted by authorised marriage officers (Mazoons), appointed by the Ministry of Justice.
Conditions Required for Civil marriage in Saudi Arabia
Civil marriage is an easy way to get married for expats who exchange their vows with non-muslims or if you want to make your marriage valid worldwide. Here are some requirements that need to be met to the Saudi embassy:
- Both bride and groom must hold a valid residency permit and Iqama
- Written permission from the bride’s sponsor is required
- The terms and conditions of the marriage must be agreed upon by both spouses
- Both the bride and groom must agree to all the religious practices before getting married
- Saudi family courts will conduct both the marriage ceremony and the marriage license
- An approval letter with two witness signatures is required from the competent authority
- Pre-marriage medical test reports must also be submitted
- The bride’s and groom’s representatives must be present
- The bride’s guardian must also be present
Final Verdict on Civil VS Nikah
Nikah is a beautiful way for pairing up Muslim couples only or they wish to live in Islamic countries. Nowadays, for Muslim expats who want to live in other countries or marrying with non-Muslims need marriage validity, a civil wedding is the best option for them. The religious couples can opt for either Nikah or civil ceremony.
The Saudi government has diverse restrictions for Muslim expats who do not have a residence permit. Wedding ceremonies can be performed more easily in Georgia, Seychelles, or online.
Consult our highly professional team for advice on civil or nikkah ceremonies and make your marriage valid throughout the world.