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Documents that Saudi expats can use to marry in Abu Dhabi Court


The Abu Dhabi court has gained more recognition from Saudi expats who want to marry in the UAE. To be successful, documents that Saudi expats can use to marry in the Abu Dhabi Court should be explained in detail. This is necessary because documentation is an important feature of all weddings.

Without papers that identify the individuals who want to marry and their background, the government will not have a record that points to the validity of the union. In this article, we will have a quick look at the documents that are required to marry in the Abu Dhabi court.

Official Papers for a court wedding in Abu Dhabi

A court wedding in Abu Dhabi follows some simple steps and the documents required are also basic. Here is an overview of the documents that couples should have:

  1. Birth Certificate: Since the couple will fill in the information about their date of birth, it is necessary that they support this with an authentic certificate.
  2. Passport: This verifies the nationality of the individuals who want to marry.
  3. Evidence that indicates the end of a previous marriage or the death of a former partner.
  4. Emirate’s ID if applicable

These are the simple documents to marry in the Abu Dhabi court. More to the aforementioned, the individuals who want to marry should be up to the age of 18. They should also agree to the marriage before coming to court.

Since the documents are not complicated, Saudi couples can easily get these and have the Abu Dhabi court officiate their marriage.

Why choose Abu Dhabi for marriage?

Couples can choose Abu Dhabi for their marriage because the marriage process is smooth and without hard rules. Any couple who truly wants to marry can come up with these official papers.

Marriage in Abu Dhabi is the civil type because the couple does not have to abide by Sharia law. Even tourists can take advantage of the laws so long as they have the essential documents.

Couples who want a destination wedding in the UAE can opt for Abu Dhabi. If you wish to learn more about the marriage procedures in these places, contact our team of wedding experts for top guidance.

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