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Easy wedding Dubai and other good choices for Saudi expats


Expats in Saudi Arabia often want to visit Dubai because of its rich culture and thriving economy. Also, the nice physical structures in Dubai are attractive baits that pull many to the emirate. So it is no surprise that tourism is a major aspect of this society.

Marriage is another factor that draws people to Dubai. Since Saudi expats cut across different backgrounds and cultures, they need to know what the marriage law stipulates for visitors. This article will also explain some alternatives like Georgia and Seychelles.

Dubai marital requirements for expats

Muslims who want to marry in Dubai have a pretty easy ride compared to non-Muslims. The Dubai Sharia Court caters to the non- For non-Muslims the process is quite long as they have to hold a ceremonial wedding in their churches or temples. After that they will proceed to the Public Notary to authenticate their marriage certificates.

The list of documents that should be tendered include:

  • Passports
  • Emirates ID
  • Birth certificates
  • Medical test results
  • Death and divorce certificates from previous marriages

Expats who prefer a simple civil wedding can go to Abu Dhabi. The family court in this capital city caters to non-Muslim civil marriage.

Final thoughts on the easy wedding Dubai option for Saudi expats

How easy a Dubai wedding will be often depends on the couple’s religion. Saudi expats who want to avoid all the long processes can go to Georgia or Seychelles. Just a few documents are required for marriage in these places. Most importantly, couples of different ethnicities can also marry without any hindrance in these places.

A wedding in the two locations mentioned above is fast so expats can finish the process in due time. The most important fact is that the marriage certificates issued in these countries are valid in all parts of the world.

Do you wish to marry in any of the two countries mentioned above? If your answer is yes, book a consultation with our wedding experts who will explain the procedures in detail.

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