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What is the punishment for an unmarried expat who gets pregnant in Saudi Arabia?


As a pregnant expat in Saudi Arabia, who is unmarried, it is daunting when considering the best course of action when you get a positive test.  

The punishment for an unmarried expat who gets pregnant in Saudi can be significant including: 

  • Being arrested 
  • Being deported 
  • Being imprisoned 
  • The inability to register your child’s birth 

Ultimately, having sex before marriage and becoming pregnant out of wedlock is illegal– and there will inevitably be consequences. 

A quick wedding is often essential to ensure there are no issues in registering your child’s birth, as the estimated date your child was conceived may be compared to the date of your marriage.  

What do I do if I have fallen pregnant outside of wedlock in Saudi Arabia? 

It’s essential for expats to go home to their native countries (which can be difficult if you have built your life in Saudi Arabia or have other commitments) or to get married fast to the other parent of your child 

For women who choose the latter, there is a quick and easy solution. For the fastest possible marriage, online weddings are a fantastic option that can take place from anywhere in the world- even the Metaverse! You can opt for an online Nikah ceremony or a civil service, as this is inclusive for all faiths.  

How will getting married help unmarried Saudi expats avoid punishment? 

Getting the marriage paperwork through will also allow you to live with your new spouse and start your lives together in the beautiful Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a family.  

It will be essential to do this in a timely fashion, as previously said, to register your child’s birth but also to allow you both to live together (should you desire). Once married, you’ll be able to live with your spouse, as unmarried couples living together is prohibited in Saudi Arabia.  

In conclusion, the punishment for an expat who gets pregnant before marriage in Saudi can be significant. However, a quick and speedy wedding can mean this is avoided for some expats.  

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