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Easy Wedding Blog

Tales and Tips for Crafting Your Wedding Day in Saudi

March 13, 2024
In the realm of marriage, couples often face the decision of how to solemnize their union, considering various options ranging from lavish ceremonies to intimate gatherings. However, opting for a Muslim court wedding, also known as a Nikkah ceremo…
March 8, 2024
In a world shaped by digital connectivity and innovative solutions, the concept of getting married online has become increasingly popular, offering couples a convenient and efficient alternative to traditional ceremonies. For couples in Saudi Arab…
November 1, 2023
As winter draws near, Saudi couples are on the hunt for the perfect snowy haven to tie the knot. Georgia, with its enchanting landscapes and captivating charm, emerges as an ideal destination. Let’s explore the top three winter wedding locations …
October 19, 2022
Is there anything more magical than a winter wedding? Even on the chilliest days, these seasonally themed wedding touches, such as Christmas music and winter florals, may add warmth and charm. Winter weddings provide a number of benefits. Even tho…